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Hire, Manage, Train and Retain



All data indicates that it is currently an employee’s market. The vast majority of people under 30 are now treating their job as a means to a lifestyle. Today’s employees, especially those considered to be millennials, expect their jobs to fit in with their lifestyle and expectations.

A recent report published by Misco entitled, Job Seekers – Behaviour and Expectations, indicated that job seekers do not expect to have to actively research and apply for a vacancy, but rather expect to be kept informed about job opportunities.

A combination of all the above facts and the current employee market makes it very hard for the employers to hire & recruit the right employee and then go on to retain that same employee.

It is therefore crucial that employers work on the company brand, culture and values to ensure they distinguish themselves from other employers. The reality is that when employees do not manage to distinguish amongst employers, they tend to base their decision on salary which makes it even tougher for the employer.

In order to help organisations attract the right talent we support organisations by:

1. Making the necessary changes to job descriptions and the overall interview process,

2. Redesigning vacancy posts,

3. Redesigning the hiring webpage,

4. Identifying which are the right channels to advertise vacancies,

5. Creating or improving employee onboarding process.

Tuning Fork can also partner with the organisation to find the right employee for any upcoming vacancies. We support with vetting through CVs and short listing the right employees prior to the interview process.


Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. Managers everywhere can help solve this problem and reap the benefits of higher employee engagement. Research indicates that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores within an organisation.

To help your managers become better at what they do, we support by improving the tools they currently use. We support managers choose the right management business objectives (MBO’s), key performance indicators (KPIs), and to set objectives and key results (OKR’s). WE support with training and teaching techniques to increase engagement and then turn that engagement into productivity. We help managers understand the importance of career progression for employees and support with the implementation of certain tools to help employees feel valued.

In summary, TFA can support with:

  • Improving performance appraisal systems

  • Effective succession planning

  • Creating a knowledge, skills & abilities database

  • Creating a skill and will matrix

  • Supporting with customer feedback and surveys

  • Embedding of a coaching culture

  • Creating a top-down & bottom-up feedback system


Being able to retain employees is just as vital as enhancing the hiring and management process. A recent local study shows that 50% of employees would consider a different job if it were offered to them, whilst only 13% of employees were satisfied and not actively looking to change jobs. Furthermore, job openings have increased by 138% since 2010 – leaving enterprises struggling to find workers. It is therefore in the employer’s best interest to ensure that their systems for retaining their people are optimised to reduce staff turnover.

A study carried out by Work Institute shows that a considerable number of reasons why people quit their jobs are preventable; career development is the top reason (22%), followed by work-life balance, and manager behaviour. Results claim that more than 3/4 of employees who quit could have been retained by employers. At TFA, we can help implement new, or improve existing systems that will inform the employer on the needs of the employee. This will in turn better support the employees’ experience, improving the retention statistic, thus the value of the company. Ultimately, an investment in employees is one where the value does not depreciate, but rather grows exponentially.


The importance of training your employees – both new and experienced – truly cannot be overemphasised. Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees, which is in turn a long-term investment. Employees who are competent and on top of changing industry standards help your company hold a position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry. Added to that, the investment in training that a company makes shows employees that they are valued – the training creates a supportive workplace.

It is worth pointing out that training is not necessarily aimed towards job-specific competences, but can also cater for the soft-skills that people can apply across the board in every job aspect. Nurturing effective leaders, for instance is a prime example of investing in a healthier team dynamic which will render a more productive work environment. At TFA we believe that the real value of business coaching is an investment that pays off in terms of more effective, engaged leadership.

Forbes magazine claims that a coaching culture helps people at all levels improve employee engagement, empowers people to excel at their tasks, emphasises the importance of personal and professional development, rewards creativity, and helps people take pride in their responsibilities. One of the best ways a business can instil a coaching culture is for one or more top leaders to engage a coach (or coaches) for themselves. We at TFA provide training can provide you with services like:

  • Train the Trainer

  • From Manager to Coach, and

  • Increasing employee engagement which adds experiential value to the employee whilst strengthening the human resources within the company.



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